EEE3074W: Embedded Systems

Part A: Conceptualization


Scope: This page tells you about Part A of the EEE3074W project.

1. Overview

This document provides a summary of what is expected for Part A of The Project, which is the conceptualization phase. For further details on the conceptualization process, see class lecture on the Conceptualization Process. Figure 1 shows a UML diagram that attempts to summarize the major aspects of this part of the project.

Figure 1: UML Diagram of aspects involved in Part A of The Project.

    1.1 Learning Objectives

The aim of this project is to produce slides for a concept presentation (as was described in lectures). The learning objectives for this part of the project are to:

  1. Gain insights into the conceptualization process for embedded system development.

  2. Experience the collaboration and compromise aspect involved in the development of nontrivial systems.

  3. Draw on the knowledge learned in your past/concurrent courses, or from other related experiences, in order to refine a concept for the team.

  4. Divide knowledge work fairly.

  5. Demonstrate that your team can work together to provide a clear and professional explanation of a nontrivial application for embedded systems

    1.2 Groups

The forum is used to determine initial group membership. The winning concept suggestions, and the structure of the groups were shown on the Project Concepts showcase page of this website. The project leaders were appointed according to who submitted the original idea posting (team members can be changed at the discretion of a group decision, and the lecturer). The group membership is shown on the EEE3074W showcase page on Connect.

    1.3 Repository

All teams have a shared repository in the /REPOSITORY/Project/TEAMn directory, where n is the number of your team. You should keep the MASTER files for your project under the MASTER directory in your repository. Start by putting your initial version of the concept slides in directory MASTER/Concept. 

 2. Requirements

Guidelines for what the slides need to provide:

    2.1 Initialed Slides

Each group member needs to do at least one slide. How exactly the slides are broken up should be a group decision. Each slide should be done entirely by one group member (based on feedback from the group), and should contain his/her initial on the bottom left (the bottom right is generally used for footnotes). The project leader should jot down a note of who is responsible for what slide the log.

    2.2 Submission

Submit your presentation file using the “Project 3 CONCEPTS” task on Connect.

3. Marking

General marking guidelines:

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Copyright (c) 2006, S. Winberg, University of Cape Town. Site maintained by: S. Winberg, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Cape Town.